The ‘Growing Futures: Vital Signs Report 2023’ has only been made possible due to an incredible amount of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and community involvement. The Foundation would like to acknowledge the partners who have helped bring this report to life.

Colleen Strauch
Colleen Strauch
Luther College Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Studies Network
The Nonprofit Voluntary Sector Studies Network (NVSSN) is a community-driven network made up of professionals from the nonprofit and voluntary sector, University of Regina students, faculty members, staff, and campus partners. Because of the efforts of Colleen Strauch, Director of the NVSSN, the Foundation was able to connect with various people and resources through the University of Regina and its expanded community.
Dr. Tim Maciag
University of Regina Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Through a connection from the NVSSN, the Foundation partnered with the University of Regina Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science to develop the interactive web version of the report ( The Foundation acknowledges Dr. Tim Maciag for including the ENSE 271 – People-Centred Design class to spend nearly four months engaged with Vital Signs research. The class was tasked to rethink the way Vital Signs reports are delivered by creating an online version that increases engagement and readability for users. As a result of this partnership, the Foundation hired Brooklyn Coulson, a student from the ENSE 271 class, to develop the final report website.

Dr. Tim Maciag

Dr. Roger A. Petry
Dr. Roger A. Petry
Professor of Philosophy at Luther College
We have connected local data in this report to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The 17 SDGs are a global measurement of sustainability of communities. The way each SDG relates to the five focus areas of the report can be viewed throughout the report.
The Foundation thanks Dr. Roger A. Petry, Professor of Philosophy at Luther College, for his expertise and oversight of the SDGs and how they are represented within this report.
John Bird
ta-tawâw Student Centre at the University of Regina
We have connected local data in this report to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action (CTAs). This is an intentional effort to commit the findings of this report to the well-being and advancement of the Indigenous communities we serve.
The Foundation thanks John Bird, Manager of the ta-tawâw Student Centre at the University of Regina, for his insights into the CTAs and how they align within this report.